Understanding Farmers

Job profile of a farmer

A Farmer is the CEO, COO, CFO, Sales manager, Investment manager of a propritary fariming firm. It will directly effect his income if he is not good in even one of the fields

Before the cropping season:

What to sow, when to sow, credit availability, plan for inputs, land preparation, soil nutrient status

During the cropping season:

After the cropping season:

During the lean season:

Remaining 6 to 7 months: Migration, ancillary works, MGNAREGA Repeats it season after season and year after year

Skills required

New developments and opportunities




Lets think of an ideal way first (Imagination) Think of the problems to impliment it in reality Try to solve this problem Test the solution Loop through

Solutions without problems

Vertical farming technology(Hydroponics, Aeroponics)

Farm mechanization and automation technologies

Lifestock farming technology

Greenhouse technology

Precision agriculture

Blockchain technology


Drone as Bees

Simple Products