Introduction to MIPS

  • Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages
  • 32 registers (32 bit each)
  • Uniform length instructions
  • RISC- Load store architecture

Advantages of MIPS

  • It is easy to understand and measure
  • It helps in calculation of CPU processor speed (cycles per second), CPI (average clock cycles per instruction) and Execution time.
  • It handles when amount of work is large.

Disadvantages of MIPS

  • It may not reflect real execution, since simple instructions do way better.
  • It is an older, obsolete measure of a computer’s speed and power

Instruction Representation

Instruction Representation

  • op: basic operation of the instruction (opcode)
  • rs: first source operand register
  • rt: second source operand register
  • rd: destination operand register
  • shamt: shift amount
  • funct: selects the specific variant of the opcode (function code)
  • address: offset for load/store instructions (+/-2^15)
  • immediate: constants for immediate instructions

R = Register type instruction

Pipeline Characteristics

  • Pipelining doesn't reduce latency of single task, it improves throughput of entire workload
  • Pipeline rate limited by slowest pipeline stage
  • Potential speedup = Number of pipe stages
  • Unbalanced lengths of pipe stages reduces speedup
  • Time to fill pipeline and time to drain it reduces speedup

Pipeline in Circuits

  • Pipelining partitions the system into multiple independent stages with added buffers between the stages.
  • Pipelining can increase the throughout of a system.


Dividing the actual circuit which was n-logic gates into smaller sub components and to interface with them with latches is called pipelining inside the circuits

Pipeline in MIPS

MIPS Pipeline

  • Each instruction can take at most 5 clock cycles
  1. Instruction fetch cycle (IF)
  • Based on PC, fetch the instruction from memory
  • Increment PC
  1. Instruction decode/register fetch cycle (ID)
  • Decode the instruction + register read operation
  • Fixed field decoding
  • Ex: [ADD R1,R2,R3] : A3.01.02.03
    • 10100011 00000001 00000010 00000011
  • Ex: [LW R1,8(R2)] :
    • 10000110 00000001 00001000 00000010
  • Equality check of registers
  • Computation of branch target address if any
  1. Execution/Effective address cycle (EX)
  • Memory reference: Calculate the effective address
    • [LW R1,8(R2)] Effective ADDR= [R2] +8
  • Register-register ALU instruction
    • [ADD R1,R2,R2] Actual execution ie R2+R3
  • Register-immediate ALU instruction
  1. Memory access cycle (MEM)
  • Load instruction: Read from memory using effective address [LW R1,8(R2)]
  • Store instruction: Write the data in the register to memory using effective address [SW R3,16(R4)]
  1. Write-back cycle (WB)
  • Register-register ALU instruction or load instruction

  • Write the result to register file [LW R1,8(R2)], [ADD R1,R2,R3]

  • Cycles required to implement different instructions

    • Branch instructions — 4 cycles
    • Store instructions — 4 cycles
    • All other instructions — 5 cycles

Pipeline Issues

  • Ideal Case: Uniform sub-computations

    • The computation to be performed can be evenly partitioned into uniform-latency sub-computations
  • Reality: Internal fragmentation

    • Not all pipeline stages may have the uniform latencies
  • Impact of ISA

    • Memory access is a critical sub-computation
    • Memory addressing modes should be minimized
    • Fast cache memories should be employed
  • Ideal Case : Identical computations

    • The same computation is to be performed repeatedly on a large number of input data sets
  • Reality: External fragmentation

    • Some pipeline stages may not be used
  • Impact of ISA

    • Reduce the complexity and diversity of the instruction types
    • RISC architectures use uniform stage simple instructions
  • Ideal Case : Independent computations

    • All the instructions are mutually independent
  • Reality: Pipeline stalls - cannot proceed

    • A later computation may require the result of an earlier computation
  • Impact of ISA

    • Reduce Memory addressing modes - dependency detection
    • Use register addressing mode - easy dependencies check