Digital Electronics


  • TTL
  • CMOS Logic
  • Basic Gates
  • Boolean Algebra
  • Karnugh Map
  • Tabular Method
  • Static and Dynamic Hazards

Combinational Circuits

  • Adders - half, full, look-ahead carry

  • 2's Complement, BCD Adders

  • Parity Generator/Checker

  • Magnitude Comperator

  • ALU

  • Unweighted Code

  • Error Detection and Correction

  • Decoder

  • Encoder

  • Multiplexer

  • Demultiplexer

Flip Flops

  • Latch - SR, Gated, D
  • Flip-Flops - Edge triggered, SR, D, JK, T
  • Async Inputs
  • Master-Slave Flip-Flops
  • Conversion of Flip-Flops
  • Applications of Latch and Flip-Flops
  • Monostable Multivibrator
  • Astable Multivibrator
  • Crystal-controlled Clock Generator

Shift Registers

  • Register, Shift Register
  • Async Counter
  • Sync Counter

Sequential Machines

  • FSM
  • Mealy, Moore
  • Synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits


  • D2A and A2D Converters
  • Memory
  • DRAM
  • SRAM
  • ROM