Specifying Registers in verilog

  • initial block in not synthesizable
  • posedge will result in flip flop
  • use non-blocking for sequential


  • only use reg within procedural block

  • if the logic is sequential then only the clock will be in sensitivity list

  • because the logic is synchronous everything will be in control of clock- clock is edge sensitive and reset is level sensitive

  • hardware depends on coding style not the data type

  • Asynchronous reset = posedge clock or posedge reset

  • Synchronous reset = posedge clock

unwanted latch

  • use default assignment for avoiding unwanted latches
  • Always use default case statement
  • Assign every output in every branch
  • Use default assignments

Synthesis of Operators

  • Nearly all of the Verilog operators are Synthesizable, however there are a few issues to bear in mind when using them.
  • Some synthesis tools can choose macro-cells automatically
  • Some synthesis tools will allow you to specify what architecture should be used

Resource Sharing

  • Some synthesis tools can perform this optimization automatically
  • If the synthesis tool cannot perform this optimization, the Verilog code can be re-written to achieve the same result
  • Use parentheses to optimize logic structure
  • if else if - infers priority encoded "cascading" mux’s in your design
  • Case — infers "tall and skinny" mux’s in your design with no priority