Verilog - Assignments

Types of assignments

Continuous assignments

  • Assigns values to nets
  • This assignment occurs whenever the value of the right-hand side changes
  • Executes in parallel
  • Continuously active
  • Order independent
  • LHS must be wire data type, RHS could be reg or wire
wire c, a, b;
assign #2 c = a & b;
  • Here, RHS will be computed after 2 time unit delay, then result will be assigned to LHS

Procedural assignments

  • Update the value of variables under the control of the procedural flow constructs that surround them
  • Each procedure represents a separate activity flow in Verilog, all of which run in parallel
  • For multiple parallel procedural blocks order of execution is indeterministic.
  • LHS must be reg datatype

initial Block

  • Execution starts at zero simulation time
  • Once executable only
  • Only for testbench not for rtl

always Block

  • Repeats continuously throughout the duration of the simulation
  • If an always construct has no control for simulation time to advance, it will create a simulation deadlock condition

Event Controls

  • Event - a change in value on a register or net.
  • A posedge is detected on the transition from 0 to x, z, or 1, and from x or z to 1
  • A negedge is detected on the transition from 1 to x, z, or 0, and from x or z to 0
always @ (triggering_signal)

Sensitivity List

  • Without sensitivity list ,the always block will loop continuously without waiting for a triggering event.
  • All net and variable identifiers which appear in the statement will be automatically added to the event expression
  module ev_exp_check (a, b, c, d, f, y);
  input [1:0] a, b, c, d, f;
  output y;
  reg [1:0] y;

  // equivalent to @(a or b or c or d or f)
  always @(*)
    y = (a & b) | (c & d) | f;

Level-sensitive event control


  • It is a special form of event control. The nature of the wait statement is level-sensitive

  • wait statement evaluates a condition, and, if it is false, the procedural statements following the wait statement remains blocked until that condition becomes true

  • Only for testbench

  wait (!enable)
  #10 a = b;
  #10 c = d;

Procedural Assignment Delays

Regular Delay

  • When the delay is specified on the LHS of the procedural assignment, it means that this is the delay before the RHS is evaluated and assigned to the LHS.
#5 b = 1'b1;

Intra-assignment Delay

  • The RHS of the equation is evaluated at the current time but the assignment is not made until after the delay time
  • intra-assignment delay can be applied to both blocking assignments and non blocking assignments
a = #10 b;

Block statements

  • The block statements are a means of grouping two or more statements together so that they act syntactically like a single statement.

  • Two Types :

    • Sequential block, also called begin-end block
    • Parallel block, also called fork-join block
  • Both sequential and parallel blocks can be named by adding : name_of_block after the keywords begin or fork.

Sequential Block (begin - end block)

  • Statements executes in sequence, one after another
  • Delay values for each statement is treated relative to the simulation time of the execution of the previous statement
  • Control is passed out of the block after the last statement executes
  • Final delay will be addition of all delays

Parallel Block (fork - join block)

  • Statements executes concurrently
  • Delay values for each statement is considered relative to the simulation time of entering the block
  • Delay control can be used to provide time-ordering for assignments
  • Control is passed out of the block when the last time-ordered statement executes
  • Final delay will be maximum of all delays

Event timing controls

  • Not for synthesis
  • @(posedge clock) a = b; - event control with regular delay
  • a = @(posedge clock) b; - event control with intra-assignment delay

Procedural Block

Type_of_block @ (sensitivity_list)
  begin : name_of_block
    local variable declarations;
    procedural assignment statements;

Blocking Assignments

  • Blocking Assignment are represented with the sign "="
  • These are executed sequentially, i.e. one statement is executed then the next statement is executed.
  • One statement blocks the execution of other statements until it is executed.
  • Any delay attached is also got added to delay in execution of next statements.

Non-blocking Assignments

  • A non-blocking assignment is represented with the sign "<="
  • Its execution is concurrent with that of the following assignment or activity
  • For all the non-blocking assignments in a block, the right-hand sides are evaluated first. Subsequently the specified assignments are scheduled
  • It is illegal to use a non-blocking assignment in a continuous assignment statement or in a net declaration
  • The order of the execution of distinct non blocking assignments to a given variable shall be preserved.
  • Usually increases hardware

Example Images and Code

Coding Guidelines

  • It is best to use blocking assignments when describing combinational circuits, so as to avoid accidentally creating a sequential circuit.

  • Use Non-blocking assignments when describing sequential circuits.

  • Do not mix blocking and non blocking assignments in the same always block

  • When combining combinational and sequential code into a single always block, code the always block as a sequential always block with non blocking assignments.

if else Statement

if (condition)
  begin // Alternative 1
else if (condition 2)
  begin // Alternative 2
  begin // Alternative 3

Case Statements

  • Multiway decision statement that tests whether an expression matches one of a number of other expressions and branches accordingly
case (expression)
  case_item_1 : statement 1;
  case_item_2, case_item_3  : statement_2;
  case_item_4 : statement 3;
  default : default_statement;

Loop Statements

for loop

  • Its execution is a three-step process, as follows:

a. Initialize a variable that controls the number of loops executed.

b. Evaluates an expression if the result is zero, the loop exits, and if it is not zero, the for-loop executes its associated statement(s) and then perform step c.

c. Executes an assignment, normally modifies the value of the loop-control variable, then repeats step b.

for (i=0; i<10; i=i+1)

while loop

  • Executes a statement until the expression becomes false.

  • If the expression starts out false, the statement does not execute at all.

  • Not synthesizable


repeat, forever loops

  • Repeat executes a statement, fixed number of times.

  • If the expression evaluates to unknown or high impedance, it is treated as zero, and no statement is executed.

  • Forever continuously executes a statement

  • Not synthesizable


  • Functions can enable other functions but not another task
  • Functions always execute in zero simulation time
  • Functions must not include delay, timing or timing control statements
  • Functions must have at least one input argument
  • Functions return a single value. They cannot have output or inout arguments
function [width] function_name (input input_args);

// Example parity_cal
reg [31:0] address;

function parity cal;          //function declaration
  input [31:0] data;
    parity_cal = ~ ^ data;

always@ (address)
  parity reg = parity_cal(address);   //function call


  • Tasks can enable other tasks and functions
  • Tasks may execute in non-zero simulation time
  • Tasks may include delay, timing or timing control statements
  • Tasks may have zero or more arguments of type input, output or inout
  • Tasks do not return a value but can pass multiple values through output and inout arguments
task task_name (input/inout/output args);

// Example parity_cal
reg [31:0] address;
reg parity_reg;

task parity cal;          //task declaration
  input [31:0] data;
  output parity;
    #1 parity_cal = ~ ^ data;

always@ (address)
  parity reg = parity_cal(address, parity_reg);   //task call